Mosquito, whether normal or dengue, is equally harmful to you. It corrupts your food and spoils the cleanliness of your environment, or worse, causes you Malaria or Dengue fever. But for sure, it breeds and lives in an untidy environment. For a clear understanding, its life cycle is divided into four stages. The first out of those is the egg. The female mosquito may lay eggs one at a time or in rafts (eggs attached together). A raft may contain up to 200 eggs. Yet there are species of the mosquito who do not lay egg-rafts. Some of them lay eggs on the surface of the water. While others may lay eggs on damp soil helping them to float. A larva may take 48 hours to hatch.
The larvae (singular is larva) hatch to live in water. They come to the surface only to breathe. Larvae shed their skins four times growing larger in size each time. They use their siphon tubes for breathing. Therefore they lie parallel to the water surface for an Oxygen supply. The breathing occurs through an opening for breathing. Some larvae types attach to the plants for Oxygen supply and breathing. They feed on microorganisms and marine organic substances. At the fourth stage of skin shedding the larvae turn into Pupa.
This is the stage called most dormant and feeds free in the life of a mosquito. Still, pupae are not stagnant. They respond to changes in light and fly with the flip of their tales to protected areas. Soon they change into adults. They shed their skin one last time and turn into adults. As adults, they rest on the surface of the water for a while to dry up properly, strengthen their body parts and spread out their wings to be able to fly. Mating and blood feeding take at least two days after adulthood to begin. While some species of mosquito may take four days to complete a life cycle, others may take up to a month.
Mosquitoes cause many diseases like malaria, dengue, yellow fever etc., Mosquitoes causes viral diseases and they can transmit diseases from one person to another. Due to this, over one million people worldwide die from mosquito-borne diseases every year.
To get rid of this problem, our team will prevent this by taking some effective treatments with least impact on the environment.