You work hard and deserve a great looking lawn to come home to enjoy.  Our customized lawn care programs are built from the ground up. After a site analysis and soil test, we apply what your soil needs to give you a beautiful green lawn to enjoy. Your service program will ensure that no matter what has happened to your lawn in the past, our sensible services will improve your turf. We offer three main types of service programs that can be customized and combined to get you the results you want. If you want an organic fertilization, but need to have grub control we can make a program for you. If you have crabgrass issues but prefer organic fertilization for the rest of the year, we have a custom program for you. If you want organic fertilization, but have held back due to the expense, let us show you the advantages of an organic based program that uses a blend of organic fertilizer.


An organic lawn not only looks beautiful, it is also a place you and your family can enjoy without thinking about potential negative impacts people, pets or the environment. With an organic lawn, it is important to appreciate biodiversity (weeds) that will occur. There are reduced risk materials to deal with different weeds, but for a 100% organic lawn will have weeds. To reduce weeds we ask that you (or your lawn maintenance service) mows the lawn high. At least 3 inches or higher. This longer turf will have deeper roots and will keep the soil cooler to reduce annual weed germination.

To get the best performance from your organic lawn you must have regular soil tests every 2 years and aerate and overseed every year. The best looking organic lawns will have an irrigation system in place that is used as needed in the summer months.


For larger lawns, or lawns with issues, and Organic Based program might be the answer. Organically based lawn care is a more cost-effective option for a homeowner than an organic program. Each application is less expensive because it is a blend of nitrogen sources including organic sources and water-soluble nitrogen in slow release format. The objective is to get a great looking lawn while adding organic water-insoluble nitrogen to the soil.


To keep your lawn looking great, or get it looking great, it needs nitrogen and water. That creates the foundation for a lawn you will enjoy. Our low impact lawn care program uses effective slow-release nitrogen and potassium to give your lawn the balanced fertility it needs to do well throughout the growing season. Our low impact programs do not contain organic sources of nitrogen. They are high quality, dry applications with coated materials guaranteeing slow release and consistent even coloring. You won’t find liquid nutrient applications in our program. Like all of our programs, we can customize the nutrient applications of a low impact program to include or exclude weed and insect control based on your needs.


To save plants and grass from termite and from other insects we make deep holes by Roding in squares and injects dilute chemicals in soils and flood water on grounds to make sure chemical doesn’t harm the grass. For plants, a different mixture of chemicals will be sprayed.