Flies are kind of insects which belong to the order Diptera. It has one pair of wings to fly. There are about 1,000,000 species of flies like crane flies, horse-flies, and hoverflies etc. It has a mobile head with two compound eyes and mouthparts which are used for sucking and piercing and can also perform sucking and be lapping of other groups. Their wings help them to have great flexibility during their flight.
House Fly life cycle is about one month. The stage includes egg, larval and pupal, which takes about 10 days after this fly gets adult.
Flies can cause different types of diseases like type cholera, typhoid, and dysentery. One of the major illnesses caused by flies is tuberculosis (TB). There are varieties of ways by which diseases from flies are spread. It spreads harmful agents on its own body parts and transmits it to human. The main cause of the manifestation of Flies is poor sanitation condition like garbage build up in home or office. A proper house fly control is needed to get rid of these insects.
Control and Management of flies:
Sanitation and Exclusion:
Like all other pests flies usually prefer areas where they can easily eat, breed and hide. Sanitation and exclusion are critical factors in an efficient fly control program. The aim of good sanitation is to remove or prevent any filth that is attractive to adult flies and where fly larvae can develop. Good drainage is also a key factor because moisture is vital for fly breeding.
- Remove breeding materials such as garbage and manure because flies love to breed on this material because of moisture content.
- Keep tight lids on the garbage cans and place garbage cans as far away from doors as possible to keep them from moving into the structure because flies are attracted to odor.
- Remove the carcasses of rodents and birds because flies lay eggs on the decomposing material.
- Clean garbage cans and dumpsters regularly.
- Clean food delivery spills immediately.
- Keep loading docks clean.
- Drain wet areas around garbage collection sites.
- Keep the pots well drained and do not over water indoor potted plants. The soaked soil will provide a perfect breeding area for flies.
- Keep outdoor areas cleaned. Clean away any soiled bedding, decaying plant, straw animal matter.
- Caulk and tighten around all openings such as screens, doors, windows, ventilators, and eves.
- Openings to buildings should be tightly screened with mesh screens.
- Equip doors with Air curtains which can prevent fly entry if the velocity is 1,600 feet per minute or higher.
- Install automatic door closes.
Physical and Chemical Control:
- Electronic Fly Killers are electronic fly light traps which are very efficient and functional to be used inside only. They are very popular in restaurants and commercial buildings. Monitor these traps to see what types of flies are being caught.
- Fly Glue Traps can be placed in low access rooms, such as attics and storerooms.
- Insecticide granule fly baits can be used to aid in house-fly control. These baits should be distributed along walls, window sills or other areas where flies congregate inside buildings, and in areas outside where flies congregate.
- Insecticide Dust can also be used. Dust this into all cracks and crevices. The dust will flow into the void areas.
- Pyrethrin Insecticide Aerosols can be used for immediate results, use pyrethrin in an aerosol form and space spray. They work quickly but give no lasting residual.
- Fogging using a fine pesticide spray could be done inside a building if necessary for effective fly control.
- Insecticide Residual Concentrates can be sprayed on surfaces because when flies rest on them, they pick up enough insecticide to kill them. When spraying the surfaces, it should be wet enough to the point of runoff, but not enough to form puddles.