Rodents are mammals with extra-large front teeth, or incisors. They use these teeth for gnawing to get at food and find shelter. There are three main groups of rodents: squirrels, mouse-like rodents, and cavy-like rodents. Squirrels have long, flexible bodies and furry tails, while mouse-like rodents have pointed faces and long whiskers. Cavy-like rodents, such as guinea pigs, have short tails and sturdy bodies with large heads. Most rodents are small and, although they may use their teeth and claws for defense, they are often preyed upon by larger animals. As a result, they usually have sharp senses to help them spot                                                                                     danger, and quick reflexes to allow them to escape.

As pests and disease vectors

Some rodent species are serious agricultural pests, eating large quantities of food stored by humans. For example, in 2003, the amount of rice lost to mice and rats in Asia was estimated to be enough to feed 200 million people.

  • Rats
    • Instincts: Rats are instinctively wary of things new to their environment, including rat control measures such as traps and bait, and colonize in attics, burrows, under concrete and porches, in wall voids and other hard-to-reach places.
    • Disease: Rats can harbor and transmit a number of serious diseases. They can also introduce disease-carrying parasites such as fleas and ticks into your home.
  • Mice
    • Access: Mice invade your home seeking food, water and warmth.
    • Contamination: Each mouse can contaminate much more food than it eats.
  • Rodent Family
    The Order Rodentia is comprised of over 2,000 species, which are subdivided into many families. The Family Muridae is the largest, containing nearly two-thirds of all rodent species. This family includes several subfamilies and includes sand rats, gerbils, crested rats and old world rats and mice.
    They are pests when they compete with humans for food, shelter and survival.
    They are menace to homes and buildings because they cause damage to human assets, contaminate food with their urine and feces, harbor parasites and transmit diseases including plague, rat-fever, typhus-fever, and food poisoning etc. Rodents generally have well-developed senses of smell, hearing but less vision. Three species of rodents which poses common pest problem and needed to be controlled are Norway rat, Roof rat and House mouse.

Rodents problem are most common in all living and storage places, we used different gadgets like bait station, glue boards, mechanical traps, and much other procedures for controlling them according to premises conditions.

Prevention methods should be implemented early in order to maintain a rodent-free home. Rodents reproduce rapidly, and small populations become full-blown infestations in very little time.


Rodents have advanced cognitive abilities. They can quickly learn to avoid poisoned baits, which makes them difficult pests to deal with. Guinea pigs can learn and remember complex pathways to food. Squirrels and kangaroo rats are able to locate caches of food by spatial memory, rather than just by smell.

Infestations & Control

Rodents are some of the most adaptable creatures on the planet and can be extremely difficult to exterminate.

Rodent infestations can cause considerable damage to infested buildings and local agriculture.

Rodents are also known carriers of many diseases and prove a health hazard to humans.

Rodent populations grow quickly and steadily. Rodent control is best started prior to infestations.

In order to protect your home, garden and health from existing rodent infestations, professional, customized solutions are often necessary.

Unified efforts on the part of neighbors can prove extremely effective in preventing infestations. Within apartment buildings and neighborhoods, coordination of prevention measures may include cleaning efforts and landscape alteration.

Individual Houses
On an individual level, homes can be rodent-proofed through identifying and sealing as many possible entry points.

Problems with DIY
Homeowners may seek homemade solutions to their rodent problems. They may try a variety of repellents such as mothballs or even essential oils. These homemade methods are not capable of addressing full-blown rodent infestations.

Contact a Professional

It is recommended that anyone experiencing a rodent infestation contact a pest control professional to arrange for a consultation. Professionals are trained not only to address current infestations but also to prevent future infestations. Scheduling a home inspection may help you get rid of rodents.